Quality rooted in evidence
BellXcel’s programming model has been rigorously tested and expert-reviewed. Today, that research-rich history has been translated into scalable, evidence-based solutions that empower providers to run impactful, high-quality programs, regardless of size, budget, or location.

Don't take our word for it. Take theirs.
BellXcel works with expert third-party research partners to measure and validate the impact of our solutions.

Bellwether Study: Summer as an Accelerator for Teacher Professional Growth

Randomized Control Trial Studies Impact of BX Summer on Reading Achievement and Parental Involvement

New RAND Study Shows BellXcel Boosts Teacher Practices Throughout the School Year - a Statistically Significant Finding!

The Power of Partnerships: Exploring How a Partnership with BellXcel Influences Systems Changes

RAND Study: Investing in Successful Summer Programs

RAND Study: Getting to Work on Summer Learning
We Take Research & Evidence to Heart
Our research division, SCRI, works with an expert research advisory board and renowned research partners to challenge and test our solutions to ensure they are based on best-practices and evidence.

BellXcel's Impact on Summer and Afterschool

Case Study: Building Capacity and Sustainability in Nonprofits Serving Native Hawaiian Youth

Learning from the Best: Strategies Gained from Teacher Feedback to Recruit and Retain Educators for Out-of-School Time Programs

The Power of Partnerships: Exploring How a Partnership with BellXcel Influences Systems Changes
Validated by Research and Evidence
BellXcel works with expert research partners to measure and validate the impact of our solutions